Commenting on Improving Windows File Organization and  Movement Tasks.
As a worker in IT we are used to copying large amounts of information. I have always wondered about the file copy system and have started to see how developers have began to improve it. I feel that it lacks control in a few ways and would like to see some sort of improvment for advanced users if possible. Who knows maybe my idea can spark a new idea. Please mark me if I am wrong, but few things that I thought could be added are: (and please no intention for credibility) - Ability to Pause and Resume the File Movement Tasks - A pre-populated list for sorting the content you are moving/ copying with the ability to move files up and down the work list. It seems with these features you would be able to start managing or executing the files you choose in the midst of a batch being moved or copied. hope this can be of some help if not please feel free to control alt delete it. cheers. Scott C.
October 29th, 2010 12:12am

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November 2nd, 2010 3:57am

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